The Swiss Society for Photon Science was founded in 2019.

Its mission is to represent and support scientists active in the many different fields of photon science. It speaks with one voice and provides input to strategic planning of photon science in Switzerland. Through periodic newsletters and events, the Swiss Society for Photon Science aims to advance the science of light and to raise the awareness of photon sciences as one of the central pillars of our daily life. SSPh's core values are respect, integrity and inclusivity and a commitment to excellence and diversity.

The SSPh is open to everybody interested in the topics represented by the society.


Photon Science Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2025–2028 by the Swiss Photon Community
On a mandate of the Confederation, the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) developed individual roadmaps for scientific research infrastructures. Overall, there is a total of 7 roadmaps (Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Neutron Science, Particle Physics, Photon Science, Astronomy (in preparation)) published altogether in March 2021. The Photon Science roadmap distills findings and recommendations with respect to large scale photon sources for the period 2025 to 2028. It includes three chapters, one on synchrotrons, one on XFELs and one on support infrastructure, such as ‘Fastlabs’. Each chapter provides details to back-up the main recommendations.

Can the SSPh do more or do different to better serve the swiss photon science community?

If you have any suggestions, please let us know!