10HOCH. Dimensionen zwischen Urknall und Verglühen. Eine Reise in die Zeit

When the NCCR MUST published the book "A Journey into Time in Powers of Ten" in 2015, "time" was depicted by researchers. Even then, the idea arose to have a high school design the book once again, using "comics" instead of scientific images.

When we approached the Gymnasium and FMS Lerbermatt, Köniz, in December 2020, the idea had evolved. Why not have the whole book designed by students? In other words, why not let the school choose the topics, texts and implementation? What began with a single e-mail to Therese Lüthi and an initial meeting with Anna-Lena Schroers, Simon Müller, Alexandra Uehlinger, Stefanie Hess, Sandro Galli, and Jelena Helbling of the Fachschaft Bildnerisches Gestalten, developed over time into a fantastic project.

In the end, over 300 students created the book „10HOCH. Dimensionen zwischen Urknall und Verglühen. Eine Reise in die Zeit“ with their animations, films and the texts they wrote with the support of their German teachers Sabine Gillmann and Moritz Wedell.

We were and are thrilled about the commitment of the high school students and their teachers. The fact that a whole school got so much involved in our project exceeded all our expectations. We thank all students and teachers for the unique and wonderful implementation of our idea of a journey into time and hope that many will follow us on the search for time.

The project:

Based on the famous book “Powers of Ten: about the relative size of things in the universe” by Philip and Phyllis Morrison, 1990 the NCCR MUST had adapted the concept and applied it to illustrate processes in time. In 2015, we published the book “A Journey Into Time in Powers of Ten” to explain dynamics occurring over fixed time periods. Every process was represented by by 10 sequential pictures complemented by an explanatory text showing the subject as it evolves in time. This concept allowed us to present our research. However, the high school students of the Gymnasium and FSM Lerbermatt however went one step further. They created films and then provided film stills and texts for their own journey into time. They show the time from a “young” perspective and shed a different light on the time. 28 contributions could be published in the book: “10HOCH. Dimensionen zwischen Urknall und Verglühen. Eine Reise in die Zeit”. However, since more than 300 high school students participated, not all contributions could be published in the book. Therefore, we present additional films and texts here.

The timescales:

  • 10-43 Urknall
  • 10-13 Femtosekundenlaser
  • 10-12 Wasserstoffbrücken
  • 10-10 Photosynthese
  • 10-9 Photoeffekt 
  • 10-8 Transistor - Aktivierung
  • 10-7 Lichtgeschwindigkeit - Lucky Luke
  • 10-6 Nukleare Kettenreaktion
  • 10-5 Schallwellen
  • 10-4 Blitzschlag
  • 10-3 Nervenimpuls
  • 10-2 Flügelschlag Kolibri
  • 10-1 Reaktionszeit
  • 100 Gravitation - Newton und Apfel
  • 101 Weltrekord
  • 102 Bambuswachstum
  • 103 Coronaansteckung
  • 104 Untergang - Titanic 
  • 105 Eintagsfliege
  • 106 Quarantäne 
  • 107 Bartwuchs
  • 108 Solarorbiter
  • 109 Whisky
  • 1010 Erosion 
  • 1011 Mount Everest
  • 1012 Venus Willendorf
  • 1013 Evolution
  • 1017 Verglühen der Erde


All contributions: Schulprojekt.pdf