
The Swiss Society for Photon Science (SSPh)

  • represents researchers whose scientific interests involve photons, in the broadest of senses, either in their laboratories or at large scale facilities, such as the Swiss Light Source (SLS), the Swiss Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) etc.
  • provides a common platform for exchange of ideas, networking, training and education for its members.
  • supports and advances photon science and seeks to foster interdisciplinary research.
  • helps Swiss researchers to gain access to national and especially international photon sources.
  • will compile strategies, white papers and roadmaps by distilling the scientific interests and needs of the respective Swiss scientific communities.
  • represents its members towards official bodies, such as the Swiss Academy of Sciences and SERI.
  • cultivates relationships with international associations.
  • promotes gender balanced research environments and supports young scientists.
  • organizes workshops and scientific meetings, based on the needs of its members.

The SSPh is the legacy of the NCCR MUST.