Here you find a list with all events for the Photon Science community and people interested in our topics.                                                                   For details please refer to the submenu or the respective website of the event.

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL: The Frontiers of Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Science -
Mo 07.04.2025 -
So 13.04.2025
  • Typ
    Scientific Event
CECAM school on “Ultrafast phenomena in Chemistry: Laser-matter interactions at the femto- and atto-second time scales”:
Mo 19.05.2025 -
Fr 23.05.2025
  • Typ
    Scientific Event
22nd International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy (TRVS 2025):
So 25.05.2025 (ganztägig)
  • Typ
    Scientific Conference
COST/ZCAM school on “New Computational Methods for Attosecond Molecular Processes”:
Mo 26.05.2025 -
Fr 30.05.2025
  • Typ
    Scientific Event
14th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry IMAMPC 2025:
Di 17.06.2025 -
Do 19.06.2025
  • Typ
    Scientific Conference
16th Femtochemistry Conference (FEMTO16):
So 22.06.2025 -
Fr 27.06.2025
  • Typ
    Scientific Conference

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