Here you find a list with all events for the Photon Science community and people interested in our topics.                                                                   For details please refer to the submenu or the respective website of the event.

Summer School on laser technology for high-energy lasers, Hyères (France),
Mo 07.10.2024 -
Fr 11.10.2024
  • Typ
    Scientific Event
Laserlab-Europe Talk: ‘Next generation time-domain diffuse optics using superconducting nanowire detectors’ - Lisa Kobayashi Frisk:
Mi 16.10.2024 16:00 - 18:00
  • Typ
    Scientific Event
Conference Ultrafast Science & Technology Spain 2024 -
Mi 06.11.2024 -
Fr 08.11.2024
  • Typ
    Scientific Conference
IPC conference (IEEE Photonics Conference) in Rome -
So 10.11.2024 -
Do 14.11.2024
  • Typ
    Scientific Conference