Job Opportunities

Here, job opportunities within the Photon Science community are published. For details please refer to the respective advertisment.

20241206_2-y Post-Doc position in Strasbourg_Ultrafast 2D spectroscopy of transparent near-IR dye-sensitised solar cells.pdf 46 KB
20241216_1-year postdoc at Imperial College - Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Processible Electronic Materials.pdf 34 KB
20241206_2 year post-doc position in Paris on liquid phase attosecond spectroscopy.pdf 37 KB
20241206_Postdoctoral Scholar Position - Ultrafast and THz Spectroscopy (Sfeir Lab).pdf 58 KB
20241206_Postdoctoral Position in spintronic of organic semiconductors in Berlin.pdf 465 KB
20241129_PostDoc in time-resolved cryo EM at SciLifeLab Sweden.pdf 39 KB
20241129_Postdoc Position at FU Berlin - Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy - Ultrafast Spin Dynamics.pdf 34 KB
20241126_Opening PostDoc position on Out-of-Equilibrium_Strongly Correlated and Topological Quantum Many-Body Systems.pdf 46 KB
20241120_Post-doctoral position at the DESIRS VUV beamline of Synchrotron SOLEIL and at ISMO.pdf 52 KB
20241120_PhD and postdoc positions in THz dynamics of quantum materials at ETH Zürich.pdf 43 KB
20241115_PhD position single-photon emission from 2D semiconductors at Univ. of Amsterdam and TU Delft, The Netherlands.pdf 44 KB
20241115_TWO FACULTY POSITIONS IN PHYSICS at American University of Sharjah.pdf 41 KB
20241115_A full time position for a laser lab specialist is now open in the Materials Research Center at the American University of Sharjah.pdf 37 KB
20241115_Fully funded 4-year PhD position in XFEL Science for Energy Materials at the University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.pdf 42 KB
20241115_Position open at NSF NeXUS Facility.pdf 40 KB